Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marriage and Family Studies

Question: Give a brief discussion of the effective, healthy relationship after disputes faced by every couple during their marriages. Answer: Generally it has been seen that couples relationships change as they progress through courtship and into marriage is the theme of this assignment (Skolnick Skolnick 2012). . There have been many social theories in literature that design a successful implementation of programs to expand understanding of such transitions in marriage. It will also highlight the social developmental issues which need to be developed with implementing effective interpersonal decision-making approaches. (Izard 2013). Here two stories will be discussed to understand the factors, which are important to make the transition to marriage as a successful one. In other ways, it also highlights the social consequences, which can even make such relationships a failure one resulting to manage household tasks. Therefore, such transition tends to flow with a mix of emotion, which is an important factor when the couple take individual decisions in the process of mate selection (Hogan 2013). Some people do not have the courage to go against their families as a way of handling the developmental demands of individuation, and the couple goes under the acceptable companion selection procedure. Duke and Alina have been married for the last two years. Their marriage transition process was not smooth at all because the couple has faced a lot of social barrier regarding their family boundaries and cultural differences. Due to which the couple made an effort to go against their family and finally marry each other in the year of 2014. They were judging themselves as a compatible couple after analysing their individual preferences, demand, future planning approaches and many more., Further, they have also agreed to handle all the family oriented matters together mutually to make their relationships a successful one. In March 2015, Duke has faced a huge financial crisis due to repayment of a loan from the bank, which has been taken for purchase of their new property. It affected their cost of living, and the couple faced many issues relating to negotiating how they would handle their finance. Here it is important to understand the personal requirements regarding demand for a product, or necessity of the social bindings, which are an essential part of living in a society. The couple tends to engage themselves into conflict when their projection and the actual cost of expenses differ and they face difficulties in prioritising their financial dependency to live in a society effortlessly.. She failed to understand that it could have made their future insecure because Duke is the only earning member of their family and no other financial supports were available. Therefore, the couple is internally connected not only for their emotional attachment, but Alina is also dependent upon Duke financially. How ever, after several conflicts, they successfully made a plan to manage the financial demand to handle the monthly expenses. Firstly, they had taken a decision to minimise the luxurious expenses and tried to concentrate more on investment options. Alina gave her full support to improvise the pattern of interaction and helped to find the happiness with the help of existing resources. A better understanding with each other would have been helpful for them to make strategies to execute their marital and family system tasks seamlessly. They have learnt from their relationship dynamics how to manage issues after their journey started as a couple with passage of time., Sam and Lucy got married in 2013.The young couple had different dreams for their new life. However, they realised that the world was something different they had individual viewpoints respectively which eventually landed up into trouble. Sam was a new employee in a new company and Lucy worked as an employee in a local store. Both had different job profiles and were quite busy with their own schedules. This took the turn in their marriage. They went on missing on some very basic family duties as individuals and often landed up in some silly quarrel amongst themselves. Initially, they had chalked out plans about household chores between them, however that routine was hardly followed. They would often blame each other for not meeting the household activities which degraded the quality of their relationship. . Instead of finding solutions to problems they blamed each other for not performing the others activities. This exasperated the situation, and they would often land up in sleepless nights after some really bad quarrels. Both Sam and Lucy failed to understand that a family foundation rests only on individuals conscious approach and sense of responsibility towards the family. This very lack of understanding and a rare sense of own approach towards the situation didnt prove any good. One day they decided for separation only to get rid of the situation. However, this young couple didnt think twice that problem lied within them only and they are the only two who could have found out solutions to all problems. If they had thought of a solution to the very meagre problems in households they would have been a happy couple like many others in this world. Therefore, the above case studies indicates that the soul partner selection and sustainability of that relationship are two different things. The marriage institution is a social affair which has many elements, and thus human beings tend to get influenced to adopt them while maintaining their relationships. A sense of adaptability and certain adjustment can ensure a successful transition to thinking not only individual perspective but also a sense of togetherness after they start their journey as a couple (Waite Spine 2011). References: Hogan, P. C. (2013). The mind and its stories: Narrative universals and human emotion. Cambridge University Press. Izard, C. E. (2013). Human emotions. Springer Science Business Media. Skolnick, A. S., Skolnick, J. H. (2012). Family in transition: rethinking marriage sexuality child rearing and family organization. Waite, L. J., Spine, G. D. (2011). Young womens transition to marriage. Demography, 18(4), 681-694.

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